Eternal Ephemera is a Fine Art Witch Hat Atelier zine.
Eternal Ephemera is a Fine Art Witch Hat Atelier zine. This will be a for-profit and invite-only zine.Featured artists will either recreate famous pieces of art from all around the world featuring the ensemble cast of Witch Hat Atelier or draw these characters interacting with these pieces.Writers can create stories featuring the cast of Witch Hat Atelier in Alternative Universes where they mirror or parody the story from famous pieces of literature, write the characters visiting art galleries, or have the characters write down their thoughts and insights on these books or a piece of art.
Event | Date |
Mod Apps | January 8 to February 5 |
Interest Check | February 10 to March 17 |
Creation Period | July 8 to September 30 |
Preorders | October 21 to November 25 |
Leftovers | TBD |
*Schedule may be subject to change
⬩ FAQ ⬩
Q: What is a zine?
A: A “zine” is a fan-produced magazine, typically created in small, limited-run batches. They are found in a variety of forms including digital pdfs to physical booklets. Often times they are accompanied by fan-made merchandise. Zines are not official merchandise and have no affiliation to the creators of the source material the zine is based on.Q: Where will the funds go?
A: This zine is a for-profit zine. All earnings will be split equally with the mods and contributors.Q: Will this zine have a physical copy?
A: Yes, this zine will have a physical version with physical merch.Q: Will contributors receive a free copy of this zine?
A: Yes, contributors will get a free PDF of the zine, and any digital merch if ever. We aim to give all contributors a copy of the physical zine which will depend on the sales.Q: Will you open contributor applications for this zine?
A: No. This is an invite-only zine. The mod team will contact potential contributors to join the zine.Q: Will people who support problematic relationships be allowed in this zine?
A: For the safety and comfort of everyone involved with the zine, we will not be allowing anyone who condones problematic content—fictional or not—in the zine. This includes topics like pedophilia, incest, rape, and sexual assault.
⬩ MODS ⬩

Role: Organization
Social Media: TwitterM is an artist and writer who has hosted and helped several zines including Chef Hat Atelier and Colorful Girls.

Role: Finance Mod
Social Media: TwitterNat is a hobby artist, master cosplayer, and anime-earring business owner who is excited to be part of this project.

Role: Social Media Mod
Social Media: TwitterSri is a writer who has participated in and helped run several zines, including in the Witch Hat Atelier fandom.

Role: Graphic Design Mod
Social Media: TwitterQuo is a graphic designer and artist who has contributed to and modded a handful of zines before, such as Homemade in Hyrule and Pillars of Love.

Role: Shipping Mod
Social Media: TwitterBrooke is an independent illustrator who runs an online store with over 300 shipments to date. This is her third zine working as a shipping mod.

Role: Formatting Mod
Social Media: TwitterTeddy is an artist who has formatted several zines including the WHA based projects Roots, an orufrey zine and Tales of Enchantment.